Don’t Ignore Your Check Engine Light

Diagnose & Repair, Not Ignore & Despair!

Your Check Engine Light is Important

While no one likes to see the ‘check engine’ light pop up on, this is one feature of your vehicle that should never be ignored. Maybe it’s something small, like you forgot to secure the fuel cap when you used the pump. Or maybe it’s significantly bigger, like a failure in one of the primary systems that keep your vehicle running. It may be tempting to ignore the light, but the possibility of an avoidable (and often larger) expense isn’t worth it.

Simple or Complicated?

Sometimes, the severity of the issue can be initially diagnosed by the type of light you see on your dashboard. Is the light solid? The issue may be less urgent and easily remedied without long-term repercussions. You may have time to schedule an appointment to review and repair the code.

However, if the light is blinking, you should call your trusted automotive repair shop as soon as possible. This can indicate a more serious problem, like a malfunctioning air sensor, an issue with your catalytic converter, or damage to another system. Issues in the primary systems can hurt your vehicle in many ways. From decreasing your fuel mileage to affecting other connected systems, the overall toll of ignoring your check engine light will compound the longer you take to get it resolved.

Not a DIY Project

One online search will bring up a bevy of diagnostic tools claiming to be ‘as good’ as a mechanic and videos to walk you through the repair process. However, as modern vehicles continue to grow in complexity, unless you are well-versed in vehicle repair, it’s in your best interest to consult your local, trusted mechanic. Experienced technicians have the proper equipment to diagnose the specific cause of your check engine light. They will also have the skills to repair any issue correctly the first time to keep your vehicle within warranty.

Let Us Help!

The experienced team at Aspen Hill Shell has the technology to diagnose the check engine code and resolve any issue properly. Your time and money is important, and we always strive to put our customers first. From our helpful office staff to a clear quote of proposed services and our Two-Year/24,000-Mile Warranty for all of our work, we want you to have a positive experience from start to finish. So, if your check engine light is on, you can contact us at (301) 358-6877 to schedule an appointment or visit our office at 4001 Aspen Hill Road in Silver Spring, Maryland as a walk-in.

By on October 20th, 2022 in Auto Repair